Hand and Wrist Injury Treatments in Bear, DE
Now Serving Bear, Newark, Wilmington, DE and Surrounding Areas
Our hands and wrists are a fundamental part of our everyday lives. Losing proper function or suffering an injury that damages the hand or wrist can have a significantly negative effect on a person’s quality of life. Being unable to use one or both of your hands and wrists can not only affect your physical capabilities, but it can also damage your mental well-being as well since not being able to perform essential tasks can be extremely disheartening.
A 2020 study presented by the National Institute of Health estimates that roughly one in seven persons in the United States has wrist arthritis (13.6%). While that alone is a significant number, that doesn’t account for all of the other traumatic injuries like broken bones and fractures that occur every day. Depending on the severity and progression of the condition or injury you have sustained, Comprehensive Accident and Injury Center may be able to help restore your proper hand and wrist function with therapies like hyperbaric oxygen therapy and chiropractic therapy.

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Leading Causes of Hand & Wrist Injury
Your hands and wrists could arguably be the two most important joints for quality of life. Not being able to handle, carry, or engage with your surroundings can be extremely difficult to manage. Your hands and wrists take the brunt of a lot of impacts throughout your life as well. When we fall, we often break the fall with our hands along with traumatic impacts that occur while playing sports or exercising. Some of the leading causes of injury are as follows:
- Injuries that didn’t heal correctly
- Osteoarthritis (OA): This is a common cause of wrist pain in the elderly population, although it can affect any age group. Age, genetics, high BMI, and gender are all risk factors linked to osteoarthritis.
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory condition that affects the peripheral joints symmetrically.
- Post-traumatic arthritis develops because of traumatic events such as injuries to the ligaments or fracture of the wrist bones. It usually affects the victim many years after the initial injury.
- Carpal Tunnel, or any factor that impinges the nerve

Symptoms of Hand & Wrist Injury
Hand and wrist injuries will be annoyingly obvious as we use our hands almost constantly throughout the day. If you recognize one or multiple of the following symptoms, consult with a doctor to get your injury diagnosed:
- Pain, sharp or dull aches
- Redness
- Swelling
- stiffness
- Reduced range of motion
- Tinglingreatment Options
At the first onset of symptoms or pain, you should consult with the specialists at Comprehensive Accident and Injury Center. They have years of experience in accurately diagnosing hand and wrist injuries and providing effective therapies to help heal them. We can help patients avoid risky and unnecessary surgical procedures that require weeks of recovery time through our noninvasive treatment options.
Call us today to speak with our team of medical experts and get advice on what hand and wrist injury therapy in Bear, DE is best for you.
Learn More About Our Hand & Wrist Injury Treatments in Bear, DE
The professionals at Comprehensive Accident and Injury Center have years of experience in diagnosing and treating joint injuries of every kind. We utilize cutting-edge techniques to pinpoint the source of your pain and provide treatment that stimulates the regeneration of cellular tissues to improve your joint health and help eliminate your pain! If you would like to learn more about our therapies call or book an appointment online today!