Disclaimer: This page is not intended to be considered medical advice nor to supersede any advice given to you by your doctor. Every scenario is unique, and for the best results, you should consult with a qualified physician like the ones you’ll find at Comprehensive Accident and Injury Center (CAIC).
Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can happen from a blow to the head or body. While concussions can be mild, they can also cause severe and lasting damage if left untreated. If you or a loved one has suffered a concussion, it’s important to know what signs to look for, especially when it comes to eyes. Let’s discuss the signs and symptoms to look for as we detail ‘how to check for concussion eyes’ below.
Car accidents can be a very traumatic experience for those involved, and can result in serious injuries. After such an event, individuals can feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do next. Hence, you might be asking yourself, “should I go to the hospital after a car accident?”.
The tricky thing about autombile accident-related injuries is that they don’t always become apparent immediately. Some symptoms of injuries take hours or weeks to develop. Hence, if you decided to forego visiting a hospital or clinic after your accident – you might be wondering, ‘when is it too late to go the doctor after a car accident?’. Let’s break down the details of what you need to know, and who to look for in this situation.
You’ve just gotten into a car accident – with many thoughts racing through your head. Are you injured? Is the other party okay? How much is this going to cost you? All of these questions are very normal and rational. First and foremost, it’s important to take care of your health. Given that you’ve searched for what to do after a car accident for your body, you’re on the right track!
Hamstring tears can be a painful and debilitating injury that can occur in athletes and non-athletes alike. The hamstring muscles are located at the back of the thigh and are responsible for bending and straightening the leg. The hamstring is made up of three muscles, the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris muscles.